A pregnancy may not have been in your plans for your life right now, but that doesn’t mean parenting isn’t a valid option for you. It’s worth it to consider every option available before making your decision so you don’t regret it later.

As you consider this option, there are a few questions you can keep in mind to help you make your decision.

Am I Ready To Be A Parent?

This is a big question but the answer might surprise you. Many people who weren’t planning to be parents and didn’t feel ready embraced parenthood and rose to the occasion and role. This doesn’t mean it was seamless or easy. Parenting is one of the hardest things you can do, and shouldn’t be entered lightly. But with the right support system in place, it is also one of the most fulfilling things you can do with your life.

As you consider this question, it’s helpful to think about what kind of support system you have currently and what kind you can cultivate. We can help connect you to resources in the community to provide help as well. You may need to get creative, but just because parenting is hard doesn’t mean it’s impossible for you!

What Will Being A Parent Mean For My Future?

Maybe you’re in school now or were planning to go to school. While raising a child will make this more challenging, it won’t be impossible. Many people have gone on to complete their college education and even pursue post-graduate work while parenting a child. Again, a large part of your success will come down to your support system.

If your parents are willing to be part of your support network, that will factor in largely to your success. If you have friends, childcare options, and others willing to come alongside you, you can experience success whether you’re in school or settling into a career!

I’m Considering Parenting. What’s Next?

We’re here for you as you navigate parenthood. It’s challenging but rewarding and we’ve walked this path before. We offer parenting classes and material assistance to make this a more realistic option for you and to help you thrive.

To learn more about our parenting programs, contact us today. We believe in you and want to see you succeed!

Wise Women Program

The Wise Women program is a group of women who get together through group and one-on-one classes to support and encourage each other as they work through goals.  It provides a way to earn ‘Mommy Money’ that is spent in The Boutique. The Boutique is full of important items needed for pregnancy, infant, and child care.  The Wise Women classes provide a chance to get acquainted with and develop friendships with other women who may be experiencing similar circumstances and situations as you.   We also have classes available for fathers upon request.

If you’d like to know more, email info@pregnancycenterclinton.org or call at 563-242-6628.


We offer classes to help you grow and become more informed about:

  • Prenatal care
  • Infant care
  • Parenting
  • Relationships
  • Nutrition
  • Spirituality
  • Money Management
  • and more!


When you join a group, bonds start to form. We keep you informed about daily events through our monthly calendar.

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity!