How Can I Recover Emotionally After An Abortion?

Recovering emotionally after an abortion looks different for everyone. Women and partners can struggle with feelings of loss, grief, sadness, and anger after an abortion.

No matter how you’re feeling right now, know that hope, recovery, and grace is available to you. We’re here to support you as you heal.

Steps to Recovering Emotionally After Abortion

Step 1: Identify Your Feelings

It’s hard to determine how you actually feel until you take time to identify your emotions. Are you sad? Are you angry? Write down your feelings as you experience them throughout your day. 

Sometimes grief can come in waves, meaning you feel okay for a time, and then something triggers a memory or the feelings return when you’re no longer distracted. Instead of repressing these emotions when they hit, acknowledge and recognize them. Until you face them head-on, it’s hard to begin the healing process. 

Step 2: Seek Community with Others

Isolation isn’t the best option when it comes to emotional healing. Talking with others who have had similar experiences and emotions can help with your healing process. If you find someone a little farther ahead in their recovery journey, they can offer wisdom and insight into what helped them move forward.

At The Pregnancy Center, we offer Post-Abortion Grief Assistance in both group and individual sessions to help you find freedom and recovery through the community. If you’re outside of the Clinton, Iowa area, find a local support group. There are many across the country, ready to assist you for no cost.

Step 3: Talk to a Licensed Counselor or Therapist

Sometimes more is needed than community support and emotional exercises, especially if you’re struggling with severe depression and suicidal thoughts. If you’re in this situation, seek professional help without delay.

Remember to put your mental health first and take care of yourself. If it’s hard to function in daily life, it’s time to make an appointment with a professional.

Does Time Heal All Wounds?

It’s tempting to avoid confronting your feelings or try to forget the abortion ever happened. Unfortunately, more than time is needed to heal a deep wound. Letting time-lapse can take the edge off of the pain, but it doesn’t fix any scars left behind. 

Give yourself grace and know recovery is available, and you can begin today. 

If you’re located near Clinton, Iowa, contact us to receive details on our Post-Abortion Grief Assistance program. We’re here to support you as you find freedom after abortion.

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