Greetings Friends for Life!
It’s time for 38th Annual WALK FOR LIFE fundraising event on Saturday, April 27, 2024 and our theme is WALK FOR THEM BOTH! Simply gather your family & friends and come to The Pregnancy Center office (240 N. Bluff Blvd in Clinton).. We will have refreshments, pro-life gear on sale. Registration begins at 8:15am (bring your completed pledge form) and we Walk @ 9am or walk on your own time. This year our fundraiser goal is $40,000 and the easiest way to help us reach our goal is to ask everyone you know to sponsor you with a financial gift (we can bill people later) or DONATE NOW. Questions call 563-242-6628.
Thank you for being a faithful partner in this life-saving ministry for Life and we can’t wait to Walk with you on the 27th!
Nancy Lincoln & Team Jesus
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